
I am the unfashionable blogger, so why did I make this blog? Well for three reasons.
1. I have done several fashion internships and felt like I know at least a little something.
2. I need to practice and gain confidence with what I write and post online and
3. It’s fun.

Now before you get started here are some things you should know.

  • My style is versatile and I like to have different looks for different occasions, so there is no just one plain style I will cover
  • I am neither a thin girl or a plus size one, so being in the middle means a lot of awkward clothes. Enjoy that.
  • I am a third year uni student and am generally broke the majority of the time. It sucks

Anyway now that is a bit about me, I hope you can enjoy this collection of awkward write ups and unfunny titles that I will deem hilarious.


For any inquiries please email unfashionableblogger@hotmail.com

Also to get some other sites of mine check out my
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If you want any personal accounts, please contact me otherwise.

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