Like obviously, you can’t agree or disagree, but check these babies out!

Military Boot
Military Boot
Bobby Lace Up
Bobby Lace Up
Brooke Pointed Stiletto Bootie
Brooke Pointed Stiletto Bootie
Hello Harness Boot
Hello Harness Boot
William Point
William Point
Jamieson Lace Up
Jamieson Lace Up
Jamieson Lace Up
Jamieson Lace Up
Geneve Lace Up Stiletto
Geneve Lace Up Stiletto
Jamieson Lace Up
Jamieson Lace Up
Jurassic Heel
Jurassic Heel

Anyway if you want to check out more heels, go to Rubi Shoes!

Mix N Match: That Sports Luxe Thang

In the most recent years we have seen the rise of Sports Luxe. It has taken over stores, shirts, hats and magazines a like. Now one thing I have noticed is that if you overdo it with the sports luxe style, you end up starting to look like one of the players of the team or a hardcore fan. Now if you know enough about the team you’re going for then that is fine, if not you’re in for a whole lot of awkward questions. So here I will be discussing and matching an outfit for subtle sports luxe style. Now also please understand that there is a seasonal change down here aka it is winter not summer, so this will have an effect on how the dress style is. Continue reading

Mix N Match (Pt. 2)

Mix N Match was so fun last time so I’m doing another one (well it was fun for me). So here is another outfit idea that I feel you could rock for either a casual or not so casual event (again depending on the shoes) and that can be seasonly friendly. The main focus of the outfit will be a t-shirt dress, but a more updated version. This t-shirt dress has a side split giving it an edge for that Kylie Jenner/Khloe Kardashian style.

Split Side T Shirt Peach
Split Side T Shirt Peach

MissGuided (1)

Of course as you can see the split is a bit high so that means shorts are a must! (hence why it is great for summer). So here we go!
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Mix N Match (Pt. 1)

Unfortunately there aren’t many cheap items at the moment. It’s like everything is expensive at the moment so there is no point. But one good thing about expensive items is that it makes room for ideas to brew and outfits to save for (and you’ve probably put a whole lot more time into them to be honest). So here is an outfit I feel would rock, or be perfect for an Autumn wardrobe.

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Wish List Wednesday (25/2/15)

Now for those of you who are not familiar, Wish List Wednesday is a game where you have three fashion wishes that happen every Wednesday (hence the name). But there are guidelines for these wishes!
1: One wish must towards a high named fashion brand
2: One wish must be for a product of an online store
3: One wish must be for a product that you can actually purchase IN store.

Of course these wishes may vary into beauty and hair care etc, but I still feel it all fits the same shoe.

Anyway time to get wishing guys!

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Cheap Tuesday: Booties

I feel that these are an Autumn/Winter/early Spring must for any wardrobe. It is situation appropriate (aka regardless of the situation, they are appropriate!!) which is good and rare to find in a shoe. Booties with a heel that isn’t super dooper thick or high at a great price is rare to find. And I found them.

Sandy Zip Boot
Sandy Zip Boot

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Welcome to My Wardrobe: Tia Lace Up Boot

So you know those days when your looking around and you see something that you wanted online? And then you look at the sizes and the last of your size is there? And then you walk out the store contemplating whether to get it or not? And then you go in there and buy it?
Well, do I have a story for you (not really), but I do have an introduction to my shoe collection. The fake Timberlands I was writing up on Tuesday came into my eye today and I figured might as well buy it (after checking with my funds and contemplating for an hour).


Now a few things about the shoe:
1. It is comfy as heck
2. It can look like a regular boot which gives it versatility
3. I love them! I am so happy I bought them they are perfect in every way!


When I was trying them on the sales girl told me she was buying a pair and that is freaking awesome (cause when the staff actually want to buy it then you know it’s gonna be good).


So yeah I am happy with my purchase. To review:
Style- 10/10
Comfort- 10/10
And that is a rare rating these days!


Well the next question is what to wear them with. I would definitely say casual type clothes like jeans, shorts, skirts and dresses with a nice edgy look to complete the outfit. But that is just me personally.

Anyway hopefully I’ll do more of these posts soon.

Hope you guys have a good one
